Certificate in University Teaching and Learning


The Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL) is a competency-based certificate for USask faculty, sessionals and lab instructors to document and develop their skills in university teaching.  

Completion of the Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL) is self-directed and allows participants to: 

  • Build skills and confidence in their ability to support their students’ success 
  • Document and reflect on the growth in their teaching practice 
  • Present evidence of prior learning that demonstrates ways in which they have met the CUTL outcomes and indicators under each competency category. 

To support completion, CUTL cohorts run during Fall and Winter terms to support participants through the process of assessing their current level of teaching competence, showcasing current areas of competence, and receiving feedback on growth and development areas. At completion of the certificate, participants will have a portfolio that details evidence of skills, achievements and reflections on growth.

Information and Registration

For more information or to join the certificate program or a CUTL Cohort, book a preliminary consultation with Anne-Marie Rollo from the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL).